I’m Lauren, professional words person, amateur artsy-craftsy person, avid reader, and neurodivergent mom to a neurodivergent kiddo.
Most of the words I’ve written and edited that made it into the public domain have been for someone else. But writing has always been how I think, process information, and communicate base. (Challenging in an increasingly video-filled world.)
I’ve been staring at this About page for weeks, trying to figure out how to summarize a goal that I could write thousands of words about:
Have a space for myself. Write away from the noise of traditional social media. Write my way out of burnout. Embrace unpolished thoughts (eek). And learn markdown as a very non-techy person. :)
That about covers it for now.
All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinions of my employer or any organization or person that I am affiliated with.